
Showing posts with the label Future-ready students

Futuristic Education in India

Quality human resource is the capital of knowledge-based economies. The western countries understood this long before and changed their educational system accordingly. We in India will have to do a lot of catching up. We should be teaching the curriculum of the future and not just the curriculum of the past. Curriculum that is relevant and responsive to the rapidly changing ecosystem. We have to re-design our schools and its learning pedagogies.  We will have to learn, adapt, and constantly evolve this design. We will have to re-design our curriculum in such a way that it will impart skill-oriented training which will help the graduates and post-graduates secure jobs in the future. We will have to shift our focus towards experiential learning and imparting broad range of skills, including cognitive and meta-cognitive skills (e.g. critical thinking, creative thinking, learning to learn and self-regulation); social and emotional skills (e.g. empathy, self-efficacy and collaboration); and