Believe you can and you will

Nothing is impossible. You can achieve anything that your mind believes. Many battles are lost outside the battlefield because there is lack of conviction, lack of self belief. Belief, that one can do it. Belief in ones capabilities is ones strength; tried and tested for generations. 

Just imagine that you are walking on the road. It's evening time. And you see a snake on which you are about to step in. What happens. It scares a hell out of you. Your heartbeats increase. Your eyes widen. All your energy goes to your leg to prevent you from stepping on the snake. So many changes in a fraction of second. Afterwards you realise it was not a snake; just a piece of rope. Everything jumps back to normal. Simply because you believed it was a snake, so many changes took place in your body. That too in such a short time. That's the power of belief. So believe you can, and you will win.

Let's take another example. A baby elephant which is tied with a huge chain. It tries to free itself, but it cannot as the chain is too strong. Having tried to break the chain for a few years, the baby elephant starts believing that it cannot break the chain. The baby elephant later on turns into a big elephant. But it doesn't try to break the chain. Because it believes it cannot break the chain. Now it has the strength, but there is lack of belief. That is what positive and negative beliefs do to you.

So always believe that you can do it and your body will respond. 

Ravindra Zinjurke